Saturday, May 30, 2009

May 2009

What a month it has been! How my life has changed in the last 4 weeks...

I finally finished the journey called the GRACE of GOD I assure you. Anyone around me during the last four years will tell you that I procrastinated almost every project, presentation and cramming session. Oh yes, I talked about planning ahead and things of the sort to boost my mediocre grades, I really did try to pay attention during my lectures but most days as I sat in my desk, chin resting in one hand and a paralyzed pen in the other.......

I was somewhere else: across the ocean playing with street kids who spoke a language i did not know, being bumped around in a Landrover in places like Mozambique, holding babies with AIDS, praying for the sick in hospitals, showing the Jesus Film, sharing my testimony, camping out in the bush or sleeping in dried up river beds: dirty? usually. discouraged? sometimes. but living a life that makes sense in the light of eternity? ABSOLUTELY

Rescued from the "American Dream" where little white picket fences, 8-5 jobs, and a 75K income all-too-often stifle the true DREAMS, the PROMISES AND CALLINGS OF GOD...

Last week, I took a step towards living one of those dreams. Ever since I was about 16, the Lord has spoken and confirmed to me for years that He was going to call me out of America. I just didn't know where or when. and not necessarily to big cities but to villages and tribes, places not yet reached with the Gospel...I began to dream of people who could only be reached by a 4x4 vehicle or on foot....little mud huts where men and women and children may not realize it but were waiting for someone to come and tell them the greatest news they'd ever heard.

May 9th I graduated from college. a B.A. in Journalism/Public Relations. Lord, let it be used for Your Kingdom or not at all....

The next week and a half were spent saying goodbye to my church family in Tyler Texas where the Lord discipled me greatly in things of the Kingdom over the last 4 years. Life-long friendships were made and hard lessons learned. My "Harvest Church Intl." family will always be a part of who I am. That's how family works...

May 21st my new church family--Salt and Light--met me at the Johannesburg International Airport with a huge "Welcome Home Sarah" sign and a ton of hugs. Oh it was the best! I had missed them so much these last 9-10 months. What a privilege to come across the ocean on a one-way ticket to FAMILY. Who am I to be placed in such a family as this?

The last 9 days, I've just been getting settled in my new home with the Dean family here in Springs South Africa. Brian and Lisa (who lead the church here) insisted that I not work this first week or so and just really focus on getting "settled". I honestly can't believe how their four children--Rebekah, Jesse, Helen, and Zoe--feel as if they're my own siblings.

It's been wonderful to have down time--something i've only dreamed about for the last year, but at the same time, I can't wait to really start linking arms with my new "teammates" in the church in whatever ministry the Lord has. Wherever there's a need, Lord open my eyes and use me as an instrument in Your Hand.

Let the SERVING begin.....